I have been using these for lat pulldowns and triceps extensions when attached to a Gym Pin D-Handle bar, and in place of a V-Handle bar for seated cable rows. Useful for allowing natural wrist rotation in all exercises, and another benefit in the cable rows is that I can quickly adjust hand spacing from set to set.
Angles90 Grips
Will G.
Allows for a natural grip on pull exercises!
I ordered the A90 grips for my daily variable resistance strength training using the X3 Bar, specifically for bent-over rows (underhand grip) and bicep curls. The X3 Bar being a straight Olympic-style bar, I found the underhand pull exercises would hurt my wrists. By attaching the A90s to the bar (shortened power method), my grip is now at a fully natural angle throughout these exercises and I can really focus on targeting the muscles in my back / biceps to exhaustion.
The A90s feel heavy duty so I am not worried about the straps giving out under heavy load, which the X3 Bar can certainly deliver, far more than regular resistance bands.
All up, a fantastic piece of kit, I am so glad to have the A90! Highly recommended.
A90 Buddy Set
These have actually been better to use than I had thought they would be.
Very comfortable and I have a few niggling injuries which I seem to be able to lift and not aggravate with these…
I really like them!
Angles90 Grips
Buy the A90 Athlete Set
Buy it now
It’s good
Very good.
What are you waiting for?
Stop reading this….just get it…NOW
A90 Athlete Set
Great quality, a must have for injured wrists, very durable